Best Improv Games, Exercises & Activities for Adults

You can find the best improv games, exercises, and activities for adults in this post. Acting exercises known as “improv games” force players to respond in the moment rather than reading from a script. One word at a time, two truths and a lie, and questions alone are a few examples. These exercises are meant to assist people in honing their communication, problem-solving, and rapid-thinking abilities. These games are often referred to as “improv exercises.”

These are the kinds of communication and icebreaker games that can be used for online theater games and big group activities. For your games, you can use an improv prompt generator.

Improve Game List

The first step in introducing improv to your group, whether for pleasure or as part of a team-building activity, is to choose the appropriate games and exercises.

To make it easier for you to choose what works best for you, we have broken down some of our greatest and most efficient improv activities into parts. This is a collection of adult improvisation games that can be played in both small and large groups.

1. Questions Only Please

For novices, Questions Only is a simple improv game. The group chooses a scenario first. After that, players had to act out the scene while only asking questions. By taking away points or suspending participants for hesitating or providing assertions in their answers, you can turn this activity into a competition. The game lasts for a predetermined period, or until the final participant is left, or until the scene ends organically.

2. Melodies

The only simple rule governing rhymes is that each line must conclude in a rhyme. You may either make it so that each line rhymes until a player makes a mistake, or you can let specific players add new rhymes to the game. Every word must still make sense in the scenario that is being suggested, though. When playing with large groups, you can designate an order so that players must respond in turn, keeping the game structured.

3. The Party Goers

One of the more engaging improv exercises for business is Party Hoppers. Assign players to a breakout area with a certain theme at the beginning of the game. For example, archetypal images of youth, notorious historical individuals, or mythological characters. Gamers engage with their group members after creating a character. Call everyone back to the main room after a period of five or ten minutes.

Next, arrange the breakout rooms in a random manner such that different personalities are in each group. The players have to imagine and enact a scenario that could bring these disparate individuals together. This procedure can be repeated as often as you desire. This game’s ability to let players engage with a large number of other players is one of its best features.

4. Parts Of A Conversation

An old improv practice that was modified for Zoom is called Scenes from a Chat. In the discussion box, audience members write suggestions for scenes. An emcee chooses at random one of the concepts or the situation that makes the most sense. After that, players have five minutes to enact the scenario. After the activity is over, the following group might ask the audience for suggestions or choose a different stimulus from the ongoing conversation.

5. Give It To Me

Players can test their improv, persuasive, and sales prowess in Sell It To Me. For ten to fifteen seconds, each player can seize an object that is nearby. The next task is for the player to craft a compelling one-minute or shorter sales spiel to persuade the group to buy the item. The audience rates each sales presentation on a numeric scale, and the actor who receives the highest score wins. You can schedule sales pitches to occur in between other improv activities to maintain the sense of surprise.

6. Taking It Word by Word

Among the most popular narrative improv games is One Word at a Time. Participants create a story one word at a time, as the name implies. A player’s response can be typed in the chat window or spoken out loud. The group can vote on which word stays in the story if two or more players speak at the same moment.

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When the narrative comes to a natural conclusion and the player who started the game declares “THE END,” the game is over. A terrific improv game for big groups is One Word at a Time, where the more players there are, the wackier the story grows.

Improv Games

7. Moustaches

Earmuffs are a practice for interpreting body language and lipreading. Additionally, it gets remote workers ready for when their coworkers forget to unmute their microphones during online meetings.

One-half of the party shuts off the sound on their laptops or mobile devices before starting the game. Subsequently, the other side is given a scenario to act out. Watching the act is the muffled team. Following the conclusion of the scene, the second group had a brief meeting in a breakout area to discuss matters. They then reenter the main chamber and perform the scene as they see fit.

8. Party Quirks

Among the greatest improv games ever created is Party Quirks. Every performer is given an odd-party anecdote to act out. Normal partygoers are expected to guess the identity of each peculiar guest by the end of the action.

9. Your Display Got Freezed

One of the greatest online improv games for large gatherings is called Your Screen Froze. It starts with four or five players acting out a situation. Viewers are free to yell out “Your screen froze!” at any point throughout the performance. The speaking player will change the entire direction of the scene, acting as though the last statement never happened. The audience can yell as many times as they like, and an actor might need to come up with multiple lines at a time.

10. Captives

Before the scene begins, actors usually solicit suggestions from the audience for most improv games and exercises. Throughout the performance, Hostage invites audience members to offer recommendations and demands. Some people begin the game as performers or “hostages,” while others take on the roles of suggestions or “masterminds.” The hostages start putting on a play. The masterminds have the right to demand specific actions from the hostages at any time. Masterminds may, for example, give captives instructions to mispronounce every word, dance in an interpretative manner, or talk with a British accent.

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Smart people can make suggestions aloud. But if the audience doesn’t hear the directions, the game is funnier. Masterminds can whisper the command to the captive if they are performing in person, or they can send a private message to the hostage if they are performing over a video call.

11. Tableau

A graphic improv game is called Tableau. The emcee starts by displaying a photograph to the crowd. The group then has two to three minutes to gather supplies and use local artifacts to reproduce the painting or photo. Players will search the house for supplies if they are using Zoom, and the most inventive or cunning interpretation will win. In any case, don’t forget to take lots of photos for future reference!

12. Both Yes and Yes

It’s also one of the greatest improvised trust activities. Players depend on one another to carry on the narrative. Participants can only complete the scene by cooperating. A player starts by making a statement, to which another player replies, “Yes, and…” and continues. Actors in large-scale productions need to subtly indicate to one another who should take up the story thread. Gamers believe that other players will give them a turn and that someone else will pick up the plot without taking it over. Indeed, it’s among the best group improv activities.

13. Justifications

Excuses is a game where players are encouraged to make up bizarre tales. Simple charges like “Why are you late?” or “Why didn’t you take the garbage out?” or “Why don’t you ever listen to me?” are used to begin the game. The first participant immediately invents an explanation. By stating, “I was there, and I promise it’s true,” for example, other players can bolster the narrative and provide further details. Henrietta is humble. She battled off twelve tigers, in addition to a man dressed immaculately as a tiger. The idea of the game is to come up with unique, interesting, but not overly ridiculous reasons.

14. A Lie and Two Truths

One of the most well-liked improv games for team development is Two Truths and a Lie. Every participant alternates between giving the group two true stories and one made-up piece of information. It is up to the other players to determine which statements are made up and which are true. Playing this game can help large groups discover unexpected things about one another quickly.

15. Luckily for Me

Telling stories can make some people think about dragons and spaceships, which can prevent them from participating. This updated version of the beloved tale game is sensible and grounded, yet it still promotes creativity and spontaneity.

Ask each player to list one goal they would like to accomplish in the next year. The next player explains, “Unfortunately,” and creates an obstacle to reaching the objective. The first player then answers, “Yes and…” and comes up with a makeshift fix for the problem. Go around the circle until the player has disproved and conquered every roadblock to their objective, no matter how absurd or challenging.

By positively conquering obstacles and making a personal connection to the tale being told, you can help the group come away with both useful and entertaining takeaways.

16. People as Things

Whenever a group gathers in a creative environment, the range of answers is usually inspiring and entertaining to observe. Recognizing the parallels and divergences between our methods might strengthen our relationships. Give your group ten seconds or less to mimic an object using their body in Human Objects. Start by naming a commonplace item, like a drum kit, desk, phone, or microwave oven. Before proposing a new play to choose the next object, let everyone improvise and portray that object solely with their bodies.

Human Objects works well in both live and virtual environments and adds some fun and imagination to your meeting. There is often amusement when a human guitar is attempted to fit inside the frame of a Zoom window.

17. Human-Machine Interaction

Engaging in physical improv games that demand participation and the use of our bodies can be a great way to foster virtual team building. Many of our needs for team sports, creative collaborations, and what it means to be a part of a group are satisfied when we work together while having fun. For this improv practice, a team must gather together and pretend to be a robot, with each team member portraying a different component of the machine.

Start by having one participant enter the room’s center and imitate a robot’s movement and sound. Five seconds later, let another player join and integrate with the robot, giving it a fresh movement and voice. Build until you have a fully functional machine that moves and functions as a unit.

18. PowerPoint Karaoke

Some in the group laugh when we bring up the topic of storytelling; after all, not everyone thinks of themselves as storytellers! Everyone has a story to tell. If you ask those people when they last enjoyed a pleasant trip or vacation, they will probably tell you the date, location, attendees, and events of that trip. What a fascinating tale.

We will recount a holiday or an unexpected event in this storytelling game, incorporating improvised aspects. Start by putting together a slide deck with holiday destinations, inside jokes, and activities using the PowerPoint Karaoke framework.

19. Pass The Story

Like most creative endeavors, stories are developed gradually. However, if various people manage each process, how can this be done effectively? Participants must construct a sentence in this improv game, one word at a time, using contributions from several participants.

Start with a general subject, like choosing what to have for supper or how to deal with a particular issue or circumstance. Ask someone to add the first word in the sentence, and then ask the next person to add the second. Once everyone has contributed and the sentence is complete, go around the group and repeat the process. Either carry on with the current scenario or start over with a fresh one. The finest stories and sentences make sense, so be sure to gently steer the group and remind everyone to keep on the subject.

Finally, it might be difficult to make connections with other guests at huge events, particularly virtual ones. Interactive improv games help to dispel nervousness and break the ice, allowing people to mingle more freely and open up to one another. These activities foster confidence and fast thinking while being entertaining and social. One of the best methods for team building at work is to undertake improv exercises.


What are improv games?

Playing games that don’t require a script are acting drills. Actors improvise conversation and behavior in response to the circumstances rather than reciting lines. The audience frequently offers suggestions for scenes. These games are excellent team-building exercises because they assist players in improving their listening and communication skills, as well as their problem-solving abilities. These games are often referred to as “improv exercises” and “improvisation games.”

Which improv games work best for big groups?

One Word at a Time, Two Truths and a Lie, and Party Quirks are some of the greatest improv games to play with big groups. These are engaging, entertaining, and simple enough for novices to pick up.

Why should you do group improvisation games for team building?

Playing team-building games Improvisation games teach participants how to think quickly and remain composed under pressure. The games help participants become better listeners and communicators. Not to add, especially for adults, improv is a great technique to break the ice and hasten the process of team building. Teammates will feel far more at ease approaching one another for assistance or advice if they can laugh together and play goofy in front of one another.

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