BTEB Trade Course List and other information get from this post. Bangladesh Technical Education board provide opportunity Technical education related course. All course has a fixed time. Like 4 years, 1 year or 6 months. In this post, we will give the BTEB Short Course List. Hope it will be helpful for.

BTEB Trade Course List

Let’s get a full list of BTEB Trade Course.

BTEB Trade Cours List

  1. Advance Certificate 1year.
  2. Basic Trade 360h
  3. NSS-II & III
  4. Health_Technology_and_Services.

Here added  4-courses name with the reference link. By Clicking on the link will know about all short course details. We collected all information from BTEB official website

We trying to add more information about this BTEB Trade Course. To find the last update kindly stay tuned. We update it soon. Thanks for reading this full post. If you like it. Kindly share.

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