Onion is an important ingredient that we need daily. Onion can double the flavor of any food. It is a nutritious ingredient. It is commonly used as a cooking spice. But onion has many ingredients. Onion and onion juice can solve various complex problems.  It has also been used since ancient times to protect hair health and keep the body cool.

Onion contains vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E, antifungal and antioxidant. Onion and onion juice is rich in vitamins and nutrients. The nutrients present in onions are listed below.

Benefits and harms of onion

Since onion is a biennial or perennial plant, it is cultivated annually. Onion is a nutritious ingredient and almost all of us eat it. But we may not know anything about the benefits of onion. So let us present to you the benefits and harms of onion. Let’s take a look at the benefits and harms of onion.

Benefits of Onion


Heart problems

People who have problems such as cardiovascular, regularly consume 2 teaspoons of onion juice. Then you will get rid of heart problems and cardiovascular diseases. Also consuming onion juice cools our blood vessels and helps in blood circulation. But if a person has a heart problem then consume onion only after the doctor’s advice.

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To increase eyesight

A study has proved that onion juice is a very useful ingredient in improving eyesight. Onion and onion juice help in sharpening eyesight along with improving eyesight. A study found that onion and onion juice has been used to treat conditions such as anti-bacterial eyelids, blepharitis, and conjunctivitis. However, if there is any eye problem, consult a doctor.

In the treatment of diabetes

Onion and onion juice are very useful ingredients in diabetes treatment. A study in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science revealed that onion juice has hypoglycemic properties. Which helps to reduce blood sugar levels in the body. As a result, diabetes can be cured very easily. According to health experts, onion juice is very beneficial for diabetic patients.

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In the treatment of cold

Onion juice is a very useful ingredient to cure problems like colds. If you mix a little ginger and tulsi leaves together with onion juice and consume the mixture, you will get relief from problems like chest pain and cold. Consuming this mixture provides relief from problems like allergies, mild sore throat, cold, cough, sore throat, and fever.

In the treatment of cancer

The role of onion and onion juice in curing deadly diseases like cancer is unparalleled. Because onion juice and onions contain a lot of ingredients like anthocyanin, quercetin, and organ sulfur. These ingredients have long been used in the treatment of malignant diseases like cancer. The fiber present in onion juice helps kill colon cancer cells and germs. According to research, if onion juice is consumed regularly, the harmful chemical elements present in the body called gene toxicity are removed from the body. But if a person is suffering from a deadly disease like cancer, then definitely consume onion after consulting the doctor.

To cure insomnia

Onion juice has a good association with sleep. According to a study, onion juice contains a type of material rich in effective sedative properties. Onion juice contains a type of element called folate, which helps in maintaining mental balance and good health. This element called folate helps the human body to produce feel-good hormones like dopamine and epinephrine. So you can eat onion to get rid of insomnia.


Onion and onion juice help in boosting immunity in the body. Onion contains a large amount of selenium, a nutrient that plays a special role in improving the immune system of the human body. But the role of onion in increasing immunity? It is still being researched.

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To get rid of ear infections

Many suffer from ear infections or ear pain. But use onion juice to get a cure for this ear problem, you will get many benefits. According to the report of Cambridge University in England, onion juice is a very useful ingredient to cure any type of ear problem. According to a study, onion juice heated with yolk and applied to the earache area immediately relieves the pain. However, if there is any problem with the ear, you must consult a doctor.

To increase the brightness of the skin

We all experience signs of aging after a certain age. However, many people experience signs of aging before they reach adulthood. According to a study, onion juice contains flavonoids and antioxidants which help in getting rid of premature aging marks. With the help of these ingredients, the effects of aging are reduced. Onion juice is considered a great medicine for reducing the signs of aging.

To get rid of acne

Almost everyone has problems like acne and acne. But onion juice is a very useful ingredient to cure this problem. According to a study, onion contains a large amount of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal ingredients, which play an important role in curing any kind of skin problem. The presence of anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties in onion juice helps to kill skin-causing bacteria like acne and acne. Onion and onion juice are very beneficial ingredients to get rid of problems like acne and acne.

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Benefits of onion in hair care

Onion juice is a very beneficial ingredient for hair care and health. According to a study, onion juice is an important ingredient for hair growth. Onion juice contains sulfur which helps in faster hair growth and reduces hair fall. According to Alopecia areata, the role of the onion is incomparable in eliminating the problem of hair loss.


Rules for making onion extract (juice)

To make onion extract you need to take four medium-sized onions (you can take more or less as per your preference). A glass of water should be taken with it. Mix those four onions and a glass of water together in a mixer to make a fine paste. Then strain the juice with the help of a cotton cloth and keep it in a separate glass. This is how onion extract (juice) will be made.

Some rules for using onion juice

Almost all of us have read the above benefits. Among them, I heard the name onion juice. But we may not know how to use this onion juice. So let’s take a look at some rules of using onion juice-

-Onion juice can be consumed daily in the morning with a glass of water.

-Making a paste of onion and applying it on the skin helps in removing dark spots on the skin.

-Soak a cotton ball in onion juice and apply the cotton ball to the roots of the hair. Then massage the head a little and after 15 minutes wash the head with lukewarm water. Regular use of this process makes hair roots stronger and stronger.

Disadvantages of onion

Every ingredient has its pros as well as its side effects. Accordingly, onion has several side effects along with its good side. So the side effects that can occur due to excessive consumption of onion are listed below. So let’s take a look at the disadvantages of onions.

-Onion juice has the power to lower blood sugar levels. So people who have problems like diabetes take diabetes medicines. Those individuals may be adversely affected by excessive consumption of onion juice.

-Consuming too much onion juice can cause problems like heartburn and heartburn.

-Excessive use of onion juice on the skin can cause allergic reactions.

-If a person has a problem like anemia, then it is better not to consume onion juice. Consuming too much onion juice slows the blood clotting process, which can lead to bleeding.

Thank you very much for reading Onion’s benefits and harms and usage rules completely. If you like this post then share it with your loved ones and visit our webpage btebgovbd.com for more such beautiful posts.

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